This case revisits one that I completed almost 3 years ago. In this case both lateral incisors were badly damaged and had to be removed. The way the upper and lower teeth came together was very unfavorable when considering conventional restorative techniques such as cast bridges, dentures or implant retained crowns. By using directly placed fibre reinforced bridges I was able to build up the front teeth to create the room I needed without needing to do any adjustment to the supporting teeth (or very worn lower incisors). Since then the bridges have functioned well and are holding firm. The upper right canine filling was replaced with a direct composite veneer to improve the aesthetics of this tooth.

The stain is superficial and does not show in the smile so the patient is not concerned by it. Staining can be a problem with direct composites and this should always be borne in mind when discussing treatment options. Superficial stain such as this is easy to remove and does not represent a failure of the treatment. On this occasion the occurrence of a small amount of stain was considered acceptable given how much more invasive the other techniques would have needed to be.
If you would like to know if this technique might be suitable for you please call the surgery on 01580 752202 and we will be happy to help.