This case is by Russell Blanchard and used the great skill of Robin Snell at Pyramid Dental Laboratory to make the fibre reinforced bridge.
The front tooth that needed replacing was loose and had drifted out of line. It had also become acutely infected. There was no chance of saving it and it needed removal. Clearly the patient did not want to have a gap at the front of her smile so Russell took impressions and photos that he sent to the Robin to help him make the bridge look as authentic as possible. Once the bridge was made (about 2 weeks later) the tooth was extracted and the bridge fitted immediately afterwards. This way the patient was able to leave the surgery with their smile intact. The final photo shows the bridge after it has been in place for a couple of weeks. The gum has healed beautifully around it making it look entirely natural. So long as the bridge is kept clean and is not overloaded in any way it will stay in place for many years.

If you are worried about your smile and would like to know how we can help then please call 01580 752202 and we will be happy to help.