This case demonstrates why we encourage the use of a well fitted mouthgaurd for all contact sports – football, rugby and hockey especially. The front tooth took a terrific knock in a football match and needed a direct white filling to rebuild it. We were able to build it up in 1 visit and the second photo shows it 1 month later, fortunately symptom free and comfortable for chewing with. The tooth will need monitoring closely over the next few months and years and may end up needing a root filling and crown later in life. Clearly a gum shield would have protected the tooth from the worst of these injuries. As a parent I know how hard it is to get my children to look after themselves and there will always be cases when they forget to use the guard but once they become a habit then playing sport without them feels funny and soon they won’t want to go on the field with out theirs.
If you would like your child to have a mouth guard made then please phone the surgery on 01580 752202 and we will arrange the necessary appointments.