The case below shows two teeth that died off a couple of years apart with both showing extensive bone loss (the dark shadow around the tips of the root) as a result of the infection.
On both occasions the patient experienced pain and swelling which developed into a draining sinus. On both occasions some dentists might have opted to remove the teeth as the bone loss was so severe but the patient was keen to avoid this if possible and I felt that the teeth stood a chance if we were able to access the canals fully and provide optimal root fillings. The treatment was carried out as a basic two stage procedure each time which the patient found to be pain free (they fell a sleep during each treatment visit) and cast restorations (crowns or overlays) were provided to both teeth once the infection had resolved.

If you have suffered an abscess from a tooth and would like to know if it can be treated with a root canal filling then please call the surgery on 01580 752202 and we will be happy to help.