I had a great couple of days in the beautiful town of Leuven, Belguim last week learning about how we can use composite fillings to build up and match front teeth with stunning results and how we can use superficial stains to modify our results to match even the darkest of teeth. These staining techniques are not for every day use but where we have natural teeth that are very stained and cracked we either have to redo all of the front teeth (not everyone wants this) or we end up with a a single mismatched tooth that will “stick out” a mile. By using superficial glazes like this we can add to the finishing touches to blend the final result. Clearly the examples shown here are extrement cases. which is what you tend to get when you let dentists loose in the lab with lots of pretty colours to play with! In nature we rarely see teeth this discloured or cracked but the examples illustrate just how extreme we can go if we need to.

If you have stained teeth that you wish to whiten and enhance the appearance of then we can do this for you using simple whitening techniques but if you have dark teeth that your front composite fillings do not match then now we can correct this as well; either way we can give you the smile that you after.