Prof Brian Millar, of The Kings Dental Institute (where I was lucky enough to work for several years) has clearly had one of those “light bulb” moments that makes everyone else think – “why didn’t I think of that?”. He and his team of researhes have come up with a noise canceling devise that can irradicate the whine of the dentist drill. The device has taken almost 10 years to perfect so his “light bulb” moment was some time ago but it will be a very welcome device for millions of patients world wide for whom the drill noise can stimulate very powerful, negative emotions.
Here comes the science bit. The device uses a digital signal processor that analyses the incoming sound and produces an inverted wave pattern to cancel out the incoming sounds. It can be attached to a patients MP3 player allowing them to listen their music in a much more relaxed state.
The device is not yet available but rest assured StoneRock Dental Care will be investing in a few of them as soon as they are.