Back to our usual debate of direct white fililng build ups for worn front teeth or indirect porcelain veneers. Actually there is no debate, it is always just a case of doing what is right for the individual needs of the case. These two cases higlight this very well. Essentially both have similar problems in that the front teeth are worn and chipped but both individuals wanted a different approach. In the first case the main desire was to keep work to a minimum and to make the teeth look only slightly different with no significant change in colour or position of the finished teeth. This patient did not want to look dramatically different at the end but did want to protect their teeth from any further damage. This case was treated with direct white fillings to build up the damaged areas in a minimal way, whilst protecting them from further damage.
In the second case the desire was for a much more significant change. This individual wanted their teeth to look whiter and straighter at the end of treatment so a “smile lift” was indicated, using porcelain veneers to completely mask the underlying teeth.
Both patients had similar problems but very different wishes. Fortunately both patients were very happy with their results, due in no small measure, to the fact that they were listened to at the start of treatment and were given all treatment options long before any work began. In this way each patient was allowed to make the choice right for them.
Case 1
Case 2
If you have worn front teeth and would like to know what treatment options are available to you, please do not hesitate to contact the surgery on 01580 752202 and we will be happy to help you.