Whilst official guidelines are preventing us providing non urgent treatment at this time, please see our advice below and we will be there for you to help in an emergency whether by phone, email or in person, regulations permitting.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of our patients for your continued support and loyalty, and wish everyone well during these challenging times.
Stay Safe. We will see you all again soon.
Ian Kerr and Russell Blanchard.
Dental Advice During Covid-19 Lockdown
Manage at home or email info@stonerock.co.uk for further advice
Lost crown, bridge or veneer that is not causing acute pain or significant loss of function
Rubbing, loose or broken dentures – please note there is only limited scope for any form of denture repair at this stage
Bleeding gum:
If you have noticed an increase in bleeding from your gums when you brush or clean between your teeth we may be able to help with advice on cleaning and provision of necessary cleaning items
Chipped teeth with no tooth ache:
Rough edges from chipped teeth can be very comfortable causing ulcers on tongue and cheek. We might be able to help with a home kit containing a dental cement and spatula, but this will not always be appropriate or helpful
Loose orthodontic wires:
Again these can be very sore but usually a piece of wax over the wire can help. We can provide this remotely if needed
Urgent problems requiring a phone call:
Phone the practice if you have one or more of the following
Significant pain lasting for more than 24 hours that is interrupting sleep, limiting daily functions and not responding to normal over the counter painkillers
A front tooth being knocked that results in fracture or mobility of the tooth may need simple advice and reassurance to the person who received the knock. Trauma resulting in significant movement of the tooth or changes to the bite or complete loss of the tooth will often need urgent attention.
Bleeding following an extraction:
A small amount of oozing is normal but if there is obvious bleeding that does not stop after 20 minutes of solid uninterrupted pressure with a clean gauze pack or handkerchief then call us
Swelling from the gum around a tooth that has advanced to the cheek causing facial swelling as well
Straight to A & E
Please do not email or call us if you have the following symptoms, go straight to A & E
Facial swelling affecting vision or breathing or causing limitation of opening of the mouth (two fingers width or less). Difficulty or pain on swallowing associated with swelling is also a sign of worsening spreading infection and needs to be attended to in A and E
Trauma causing significant facial injury, loss of consciousness, double or altered vision or vomiting